Order Editing partners with Juno Ecommerce
H Hamish McKay

Order Editing partners with Juno Ecommerce

Jun 8, 2024

I am excited to announce our first agency partner in the UK!


I've struggled to create meaningful agency partnerships these last six months. Immediately, I knew that Juno Ecommerce | Shopify Plus Agency was different.

In a perfect world, agencies hear that Order Editing is saving hours/week of customer service work and guaranteeing over $1600 in post-purchase upsells and think... this is a no-brainer addition to any brand's tech stack.

Juno is that agency. They have a nose for delivering value to clients.

That's the type of agency where brands don't get burnt, and NPS is through the roof (I checked, it is.) That's the type of agency we want to partner with and offer exclusive commercials.

Susana Dias, Marina Prado, Sam Borrie, and James Whelan - thank you for jumping on a call with us and bringing so much energy and vigour.

It's refreshing to meet a team so locked in on maximising results for its clients.

Order Editing is 20% off for all new and existing Juno clients.

$320 p/m to win back the time you spend editing orders and a guaranteed $1600 in post-purchase upsell.

Special mention to David Wiltshire for cooking this up - hot off the blocks.

Bravo all 👏 👏

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